


Graphic Design for Web or Print help tell your story and bring marketing campaigns to life. A multi-media approach is essential in today's saturated media environment in order to "catch those eyeballs". Animated Banners and Design for Social Media are also part of our services.


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All content remains the property of its respective copyright owner(s). All the above services are demos or were performed for the authorized users (Licensee) as a subcontractor. All copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Multi Media Design

Trans-media storytelling is the technique of telling a single story or story experience across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies.

  • The design of the comic book, The Adventures of Super Interest, was the end result of teachers at Xposure, a Brooklyn charter School program, in an effort to teach children financial literacy.

    The use of mixed media ranging from Graphic Design to Video Graphics can be a powerful storytelling tool when trying to get an idea across. Whatever the media, let us tell your story.